Sermons (Page 24)

Sermons (Page 24)

Sunday 9th April Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 1st and 2nd Commandment ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.’ ‘You shall have no other gods before me.’ Loving God with all our heart, mind and strength is the commandment that underpins all the others. How do we do this? The message looks at three reasons why loving God becomes a natural response rather than a command to trip up on. Sermon Notes

Sunday 26th March Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 3rd Commandment You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. Why are names so important? Why is the way we use God’s name such a big deal? With the help of the morning congregation we begin to discover why.

Sunday 12th March Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 5th Commandment Honour your father and your mother In this message we look at honouring our parents. What does that look like for us at different stages of life? Is this a command too far for some? As you listen I pray you will hear what the Lord wants to share with you.   Sermon Notes

Sunday 25th February Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 6th Commandment You shall not murder. Do not murder seems a straight forward command until you realise that Jesus develops the commandment to include anger. The message looks at what causes anger and how to deal with it. Sermon Notes

Sunday 12th February Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 7th Commandment 7 Do not commit adultery…. We all know adultery is wrong but if the statistics are correct a high percentage of marriages fail because people do not obey the seventh commandment. The message looks at how we can affair proof our marriages PDF for this mornings message

Sunday 5th February Morning Message

This morning Dave Llewellyn looks at the 8th Commandment 8 Do not steal…. well we should be ok on this commandment as most of us have never robbed a bank or broken into a house. However as you study this commandment you recognise that things are not as straight forward as they first appear.     PDF for this mornings message

Sunday 22nd January Morning Message

What do you long for, what do you desire? The 10th commandment gets to the heart of the matter, gets to the heart of worship. Here’s a taster from the message. ‘If you have become aware that you are thirsting for all sorts of things on offer in the world, it might suggest that you either haven’t drunk deeply enough from him or you have never drunk from him at all.’ Exodus 20 17 ‘You shall not covet your neighbour’s house.…

Sunday 15th January Morning Message

As we begin another New Year together I am very conscious that many of us long to be the people God created us to be. Ephesians 4:1 refers to us living lives that are worthy of our calling and what a calling we have received! We are sons and daughters of the King of Kings, brothers and sisters of Jesus our Saviour so the stakes are high. So with that in mind we are going to look at the commandments…